400 million Firefox downloads in 3 years

11 09 2007

firefox logo The Mozilla foundation announced today that there have been 400 million confirmed Firefox downloads spread across 3 years. Not bad stuff for one of the original “alternate” browsers 🙂

One of the main reasons Firefox succeeded in challenging the dominant IE (Internet Explorer) browser was that they opened up their platform for 3rd party developers really fast. It has the largest collection of 3rd party add-ons and plugins across multiple categories like music, movies, bookmarks, dictionaries, themes etc. The list keeps growing monthly.

I also like the idea of special releases like the “Firefox Campus Edition“. It features a lot of extras like access to music, sites and useful information for students in a nice free package. It features Foxytunes to listen to music while surfing, Zotero for taking quick notes and of course Stumble Upon!

Firefox has a legion of fans and an ever growing developer base working hard to make this the most open and flexible browser in the market. It’s probably a matter of time before this application becomes the major browser out there and sheds its “alternate” tag. It’s about time.



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